Abstract of H. Shilo Lecture



H. Shilo1, O. Golan2, H. Omer3
Association for Children at Risk (A.R.), Israel; Bar-Ilan University, Israel; 3
Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Background: Young adults with HFASD experience difficulties living
independently, therefore many rely on their parents' support. “The
dependence trap” concept refers to adults who highly depend on their
parents. Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) parental training was found to
alleviate that dependence. In the current study we adapted “the
dependence trap” concept and the corresponding intervention, and
applied it with parents of young adults with HFASD. Objectives: In this
trial run of our "dependence trap" intervention, we aimed to help
parents recognize areas where they could promote their son's
independence, as they reduce the assistance they provide him, and
allow him support only when needed. Parents are also encouraged to
involve potential support figures, who would take some of the support
burden. Methods: Parents of 4 young men (aged 20-26) with HFASD
participated in a 10 week intervention, at the "Bayit Ehad"
Comprehensive Treatment Center. The intervention's evaluation was
gathered through parents' reports: qualitatively (semi-structured
interviews– pre and post intervention); and quantitatively
(questionnaires filled out - pre, and 2 months post intervention: VABSII,
BDI, hopefulness scale, dependence behaviors checklist). Results:
Analysis of the gathered data reveals promising shifts in the families'
functioning, as son's independence expands and parents' well-being
improves. Some parents showed a decrease in depressive symptoms,
and an increase in hopefulness level. Conclusions: Parents of young
adults with HFASD worry for their son's well-being, and provide him
with extensive everyday assistance, thus experiencing emotional
distress, and hampering his independence. NVR appears to be an
effective approach in guiding those parents.

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